Thursday, September 13, 2012

Know the Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Know the Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Women must know the importance of how danger cervical cancer is. It is the most dangerous silent disease that starts with the symptoms. Early recognition with the symptoms is the only way to start with the early treatment before it gets worst. The earlier the treatment; the greater is the chance for a cure. But how are we going to know the cervical cancer symptoms? Cervix is the part that connects the uterus to the vagina in the lower part of your womb or uterus. It is the constricted neck of the uterus which distends during parturition. Knowing the cervical cancer and its stages is essential for a woman in order to keep away from dangers of this disease.

In concerning the treatment it must have the importance of knowing the stages of cervical cancer. There are diagnostic tests and exams to find out the stages of this cancer.

These are the different stages of cervical cancer:

Tis - it is the cancer cell where the detection of it is only detected on the c ervix's surface but deeper on tissue parts.

Stage 1 Cervical cancer (T1) - the growing of cancer cells in the uterus and it attacks deeper in the tissues of the cervix. The cancer at this condition has not entered thoroughly the cervix and the uterus.

Stage 2 Cervical cancer (T2) - it may be more dangerous because cancer cells are now beyond the uterus and cervix and there is a great chance to damage the vaginal upper parts. During this stage the spreading of it hasn't entered to the pelvic walls or to the vagina's lower parts.

Stage 3 Cervical cancer (T3) -in this stage, there is the spreading of cancer cells to the pelvic walls and/or to the lower part of the vagina. There is a big possibility of blocking the ureters and the tubes that take urine from the kidney to bladder.

This disease will cause a great pain to the person who is suffering, the abnormal bleeding that can be light or heavy during monthly menstruation. There is smelly, watery, thick mucus in the vagina which is unusual heavy discharge. The sharp pains aching during menstrual cycle and can be mild or more severe. The pain that is so painful while urinating that usually gives uncomforted urination. And the extreme bleeding of menstrual periods and even bleeding after sexual intercourse. A person suffering this dangerous disease may encounter anemic due to the extreme bleeding of vagina and there are occurring pelvic, back and leg pain. During using restroom you'll be noticing that there is fecal matter on the vagina due to the blockage of the ureter or from the kidney. This is the result of abnormal opening which occurs in the vagina, rectum or bladder. Most people who suffered this disease lose weight for they lose appetite because of cancer treatments.

Getting to know cervical cancer symptoms is the best choice in order to be free from danger of the risks of this deadly cancer. The awareness of this silent disease which could be fatal must have pr oper information, by knowing the appropriate procedures of keeping free from this ailment, knowing the symptoms and the stages of this disease, and the exact treatment for this. By this information you'll know how to be free from this ailment and gives awareness of everyone how deadly cervical cancer is.

My story began just as many women's stories do. I went to have my yearly PAP smear to check for HPV and Cervical Cancer and possibility to keep myself healthy. You can tell that the answer was not what I expected to be. I tried to find the right treatment for myself and find an alternative treatment.
I opened my blog to express myself and tried to give every woman the knowledge that I had hard time to find.
You can contact me at any time by sending an email, (put on the subject) and I will be happy to give you my knowledge.

Love to help,


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cervical Cancer and Disorders

Cervical Cancer and Disorders

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical Cancer is defined as a malignant growth of the cervical area. Vaginal bleeding may be indicative of this disease buy symptoms may not show themselves until advanced stages of this illness. Papsmear screening can indicate precancerous growths and speed up treatment and provide different options of treatment.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that is a factor in almost all cervical cancer cases. This disease is knows as the "common cold" of sexual transmitted infection and affects more than 80% of all sexually active adults, whether they have symptoms or not. Women or men who have many sexual partners are of greatest risk.

Genital Warts are also caused by various strains of HPV and are not relevant to this cancer, however it is possible to have multiple strains at the same time, those that cause warts and those that cause cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society deems that a patient must be infected with HPV to develop cerv ical cancer, but most women with this high risk HPV do not develop this disease. Use of condoms can reduce but does not always prohibit the contraction of this disease. Likewise, skin to skin contact with infected areas can spread the HPV virus.

Carcinogens from tobacco heightens the risk for many forms of cancer including cervical cancer and smoking doubles the risk to that of a nonsmoker. Low immune systems from not consuming the adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables is also another high risk group. Increasing these actually decreases the risk and/or the persistence of this disease.

Worldwide, this cancer is the twelfth most common cancer and the fifth most deadly cancer in women. is an avenue that will take the reader to heightened awareness and vitality and the realization that there is life after these diagnosis.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Information About Ovarian Cancer

Information About Ovarian Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is actually more than one form of cancer but they are all cancers which start in that area of the female reproductive organs known as the ovaries.

Unfortunately, ovarian cancer often has no noticeable symptoms in its early stages, allowing it to grow and develop for sometime before its victim becomes aware of it. When this cancer does begin to show symptoms, the symptoms are usually such things as the person becoming very tired easily, having a bloated stomach, feeling nauseous a good part of the time and being inflicted with either diarrhea or constipation.

Although other problems can cause these same symptoms, it is important that a woman should immediately be checked out by a doctor to find out what the problem is. It may not be this cancer, but then again it may be and the sooner it is caught and dealt with, the better.

Women who have had breast cancer or who have family members who have had some form of cancer are more apt to have ova rian cancer than women who have not had breast cancer or who have no family members with a history of cancer.

It has also been noted that women who have had children, especially those that have had them young, are less apt to develop ovarian cancer than those who have not had children.

The majority of the women who develop this cancer are those in their early senior years, ages fifty-five and up.

Because of the nature of ovarian cancer not to show symptoms in its earliest stages, in the majority of cases the presence of ovarian cancer necessitates what is known as a total hysterectomy, that is the total removal of the ovaries. After this, the person is usually treated aggressively with chemotherapy, that is chemicals that kill cancer cells.

Very rarely radiation is also used after surgery for this cancer. This treatment is one that can be done very quickly if it is determined that it is needed.

Treatment for this cancer is often followed by medi cations given to help the person maintain her femininity.

Unfortunately, these medications often have their own side effects, so it is important that the person use them only as long as they are necessary and keep her doctor appraised of any changes or problems noticed.

After being treated for this cancer, the person is able to live a normal, active lifestyle. It is important to that she eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

Each year a large number of women are victims of this cancer but also, with aggressive treatment many women are also over comers of ovarian cancer.

For more information about Ovarian cancer visit our site
