Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Are The Different Treatment Options for PCOS?

What Are The Different Treatment Options for PCOS?

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder with profound implications for women. Researchers continue to investigate the causes.

There are many factors that lead to PCOS diagnosis. Treatments target causes, symptoms, and the prevention of or control of complications. Treatment options include behavioral lifestyle modifications, natural, and medical options.

PCOS involves hormonal imbalance with an excess of androgens (typically thought of as male hormones). There are irregular menstrual periods and associated infertility. Being overweight or obese contributes to insulin resistance in which the body is unable to metabolize glucose as needed. These factors cause symptoms.

Some Of The Symptoms Of PCOS Include

Skin and hair issues


Weight issues

Irregular periods and cramping

Difficulty getting pregnant

PCOS elevates a woman's risk for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, seizure disorders, pregnancy complications, and endometrial cancer. These complications must be prevented and managed well.

First Steps Toward Treating PCOS

1. Get educated. As you can see and have already experienced, PCOS is a complex, multi-factored problem. You will need to get educated about this syndrome and perhaps, consider seeking a natural alternative.

2. Get screened with blood work-up (hormone testing, lipids, blood glucose), weight, waist measurement, and vital signs if you think that you might have PCOS symptoms. 30-40% of American women may have insulin resistance. Get a pap smear because if you have PCOS, you are at greater risk for endometrial cancer.

3. Find a medical provider. You will need to have trust and good communication with a health provider who has expertise in PCOS.

4.Get support. PCOS treatment is a long and difficult journey, and depression can be part of it.

What Can You Do For Yourself?

Exercise. Start sl ow and gradually increase your daily exercise. Try to make it part of your normal day's routine.

Lose weight

Reduce stress.

Stress is associated with increased cortisol levels, increased weight and belly fat, increased eating, and worsening insulin resistance. It can contribute to hormonal imbalance and infertility. Learn relaxation breathing and exercises, and work at simplifying your lifestyle!

Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn more about a the best treatment for PCOS?

Discover a natural cure for this troublesome condition that sadly, can lead to infertility, by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.com/


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fertility Options for Female Cancer Patients

Fertility Options for Female Cancer Patients

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Receiving the diagnosis of cancer for a young woman can be a devastating experience. Immediately, a deluge of urgent decisions arise for both the patient and her treating physicians. Is surgery necessary? How about chemotherapy or radiation? With all of the immediate decisions that need to be made, all of the office visits, imaging studies and blood tests that are routinely performed, essential questions about the potential impact of cancer therapy on the future health and quality of life of the young woman are unfortunately frequently overlooked.

Hopefully, the woman receiving the diagnosis finds her way into the care of an oncologist (cancer specialist) and that oncologist is prepared to discuss all of the options regarding treatment as well as potential side effects of that treatment- including the impact it may have on a woman's future fertility. In order of decreasing frequency, the most common cancer diagnoses for women under the age of 40 include: breast canc er, melanoma, cervical cancer, leukemia, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and uterine cancer. Particularly if discovered in their early stages, these cancers are associated with good treatment response and survival statistics. However, the necessary treatment options required to cure many of these malignancies involve therapies that have a significant impact on fertility.

Surgery that removes the ovaries, uterus or cervix obviously leads to fertility challenges. However, it is essential that the treating surgeon discuss options for fertility-sparing surgical procedures. A woman should be appropriately counseled as to whether or not her particular cancer might be treated with one of these fertility-sparing options, and how (if at all) this might impact her chance of relapse or recurrence. True informed consent means that all of the options have been presented, risks and benefits have been thoroughly reviewed, and all of a woman's questions have been addressed. The impact of syst emic chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer is often under appreciated. Many of the most commonly used chemotherapy agents can lead to a condition called chemotherapy-related ovarian failure. The risk of ovarian failure after chemo depends on the patient's age (older women have a higher risk of failure), the specific agents used (alkylating agents can be particularly adverse), and the total dose administered (more cycles lead to a higher risk of long-term impact).

Radiation can also affect future fertility, again varying dependent on the patient's age, the location of the irradiated field, and the total dose received. Simple surgical procedures such as lifting the ovaries out of the field of radiation (known as oophoropexy), can have significantly beneficial impact on the rate of radiation-induced ovarian failure. Even if the cancer itself cannot be treated surgically, women should be informed of the option of oophoropexy and referred to a gynecologic oncologist who can perform this procedure.

Embryo, oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation as well as the use on GnRH-analogue treatment concurrent with chemotherapy or radiation are options for young women undergoing treatment for cancer. A referral should be made to a reproductive endocrinologist who will be able to fully address their respective risks, benefits, outcome measures, and appropriateness for each woman considering future fertility.

An interdisciplinary and often integrative approach, with excellent communication between a woman and her various subspecialists is essential to successfully address all of these questions and concerns. As frightening as a cancer diagnosis may be, young women deserve the careful and thorough review of all of the options available to them, with special consideration made to their ability to retain fertility if they so desire. There can and must be hope on the horizon for young women with cancer.

Southern California Reproductive Center was first established in 1988. In that time it has completed over 7 dozen research studies with results reported in peer-reviewed venues. It has 11 more research studies currently in process. SCRC does approximately 900 invitro fertilization cases each year. For the past three years SCRC has remained the best fertility clinic in the Los Angeles Metro area. SCRC has an affiliated surgery center as well as assisted reproduction laboratory on site. The infertility experts at SCRC also train other fertility specialists. For example, young physicians who pursue a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology rotate through the practice and are trained by the SCRC physicians, who are also affiliated with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and are on the faculty of UCLA Medical School.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Essential Pap Smear Test For Cervical Cancer Treatment

The Essential Pap Smear Test For Cervical Cancer Treatment

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

The Pap smear test is essential to find traces of cervical cancer cells. If the test is done early, cervical cancer can be treated early. The Pap smear test is used effectively for more then fifty years and due to this cancer deaths have significantly reduced in United States.

This test is used to detect the presence of abnormal cells in the uterine cervix. Pap tests are categorized into two types. Cell samples are first collected by gynecologist from the surface of the cervix and then tested under the slide. Recent advancements in technology have led to testing of samples in liquid in a vial. The tests mentioned are effective in getting the results for the presence of cancerous cells.

The lab technician tests the cells under a powerful microscope to detect any abnormalities. Sometimes software is used to get the results. The presence of this test does not always signifies that one is suffering from cervical cancer. Other reasons can also be there for abnormal ity, like cervical infection, inflammation of the cervical cells, changes in hormone, etc.

After submitting the samples at the nearest health clinic, you may be again asked to come for some other tests. Sometimes, detailed heath screening test is required to find the root cause of abnormality and that may also include another Pap smear test. This is essential because, often Pap smear test for the first time is unable to find pre cancerous cells. Since the growth of cell is very gradual, so it is expected that another intensive test will surely get hold of it. This is the reason why doctors sometimes recommend Pap smear test at regular intervals.

This test undergoes the Bethesda System after the result reaches your doctor. Based on this, output can be placed in various categories, upon which vital decisions are taken.

Cervical cancer

Hi, I am Christy Smith. I am attached with a medical organization for a long time. Article writing is my hobby. I have w ritten lots of articles regarding Breast Cancer, STD treatment and etc.


Friday, July 27, 2012

What Are The Different Treatment Options for PCOS?

What Are The Different Treatment Options for PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder with profound implications for women. Researchers continue to investigate the causes.

There are many factors that lead to PCOS diagnosis. Treatments target causes, symptoms, and the prevention of or control of complications. Treatment options include behavioral lifestyle modifications, natural, and medical options.

PCOS involves hormonal imbalance with an excess of androgens (typically thought of as male hormones). There are irregular menstrual periods and associated infertility. Being overweight or obese contributes to insulin resistance in which the body is unable to metabolize glucose as needed. These factors cause symptoms.

Some Of The Symptoms Of PCOS Include

Skin and hair issues


Weight issues

Irregular periods and cramping

Difficulty getting pregnant

PCOS elevates a woman's risk for diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, seizure disorders, pregnancy complications, and endometrial cancer. These complications must be prevented and managed well.

First Steps Toward Treating PCOS

1. Get educated. As you can see and have already experienced, PCOS is a complex, multi-factored problem. You will need to get educated about this syndrome and perhaps, consider seeking a natural alternative.

2. Get screened with blood work-up (hormone testing, lipids, blood glucose), weight, waist measurement, and vital signs if you think that you might have PCOS symptoms. 30-40% of American women may have insulin resistance. Get a pap smear because if you have PCOS, you are at greater risk for endometrial cancer.

3. Find a medical provider. You will need to have trust and good communication with a health provider who has expertise in PCOS.

4.Get support. PCOS treatment is a long and difficult journey, and depression can be par t of it.

What Can You Do For Yourself?

Exercise. Start slow and gradually increase your daily exercise. Try to make it part of your normal day's routine.

Lose weight

Reduce stress.

Stress is associated with increased cortisol levels, increased weight and belly fat, increased eating, and worsening insulin resistance. It can contribute to hormonal imbalance and infertility. Learn relaxation breathing and exercises, and work at simplifying your lifestyle!

Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn more about a the best treatment for PCOS?

Discover a natural cure for this troublesome condition that sadly, can lead to infertility, by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.com/

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Getting Pregnant With PCOS - When The Simple Becomes Hard

Getting Pregnant With PCOS - When The Simple Becomes Hard

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

You may have discovered that you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) when you tried to figure out why you couldn't get pregnant. Although there are male and female contributing factors to infertility, PCOS is a major cause. To understand why and to understand options that treat infertility, you will need to understand more about the mystery of menstruation.

Menstruation and Mystery

Menstruation is more than a mark of womanhood and readiness for pregnancy. It is more than the mystical monthly flow of lunar cycles. It is a complex process of hormonal secretions that influence each other: estrogen, progesterone, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones interact to control the changing phases of your menstrual cycle.

PCOS and Infertility

Infertility is defined as one year of trying to get pregnant without success. As women age, the number and health of eggs decreases. At age 35, infertility is de fined as six months without pregnancy.

What is it about PCOS that makes getting pregnant so difficult?

PCOS affects our hormone communication at every level. The ovaries have multiple cysts on them that can inhibit ovulation of the healthy egg. There are hormonal imbalances that interfere with our cycles' ebb and flow. Three main processes make getting pregnant difficult when you have PCOS.

1. Luteal phase defect: FSH and LH abnormalities weaken follicle development and disrupt healthy uterine lining development.

2. LH hypersecretion: High LH levels signal the egg to prematurely disconnect from the follicle.

3. Insulin resistance: Increased circulating levels of insulin affect the LH and testosterone secretions and cause poor egg quality.

Getting pregnant with PCOS will require a battle mindset. There are many options to help you. Lifestyle modifications will combat insulin resistance. Medications will bring hormones into balance. M edical procedures will make the easiest access for the egg to be fertilized and implanted.

1. If your women's health provider determines that you are infertile, you will be referred to an infertility specialist. You will work closely together, so it should be someone who you trust and with whom you can communicate well.

2. Keep track of your cycles. There are online and mobile helps for this.

3. Learn your body's way of telling you when you are ovulating. Fertilization of the egg by a sperm takes place during this journey. You will learn to take your basal temperature and check the texture of your cervical mucus to determine ovulation.

4. You will want to get as healthy as possible to increase your chances of conception. This means healthy diet, exercise and, stress management. Sometimes, weight loss alone will be able to increase insulin sensitivity, and facilitate a woman with PCOS getting pregnant.

5. You will want to get educated about all o f your medical alternatives so that you are an active participant in your reproductive process. Education will help you understand the process and stay motivated.

Know that 5% to 10% of women of childbearing age have PCOS. Many women with PCOS struggle to get pregnant. You may be able to regulate your periods and ovulation by simply losing weight, exercising, and managing stress.

Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn what it takes to get pregnant with PCOS?

Discover a natural cure for this troublesome condition that sadly, leads to infertility, by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.com/


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Food for Ovarian Cancer Stage 3

Food for Ovarian Cancer Stage 3

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

People who are sentenced to suffer ovarian cancer sometimes feel hopeless; they felt a small moment of his life expectancy. Such feelings should not be done. By doing things like that will reduce the spirit of life and spirit to come back healthy.

The first thing done for patients with ovarian cancer is to follow the doctor's advice, and carry out all procedures for healing. Conducting health behavior, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, enough exercise, eating healthy foods that are natural and nutritious.

There are certain foods that have been believed as many foods that can lower cancer risk. But if the food is effectively working as a food for ovarian cancer stage 3? It is still to be proved by in-depth research.

The FDA has acknowledged that eating tomato sauce or tomato juice twice a week can reduce the risk of this disease. Substance lycopene in the tomatoes consumed in the form of tomato juice can be taken 2 times a week. Potatoes are believed to reduce the risk of this disease by absorbing carcinogens that enter the body with food. Consumption of potatoes with the skin is highly recommended for better results. Carrots contain carotenoids which can help reduce the risk of this disease. Eating carrots on a regular basis is a healthy habit that needs to be done. Ginger contains antioxidants that can fight cancer growth. Ginger contains curcumin and gingerol are believed to make cancer cells to destroy themselves. Tea contains polyphenols that fight free radicals. Free radicals work as a barrier to the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Consume food as an antidote to ovarian cancer would not give instant effects, but needs to be done continuously. The success of this business is highly influenced by other factors that help one another, including belief in the patient, the confidence to be able to recover, this is also a healing medicine. If the cancer is already in phase 3, the effort to consume foods as an antid ote to this disease can still be done.

To find out more about food for ovarian cancer please visit Stage IV Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer is a disease that can occur in women everywhere. Therefore, every woman should have enough knowledge about this disease.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women and it is said to be preventable if it is detected early. Girls of the age 11 and 12 can be given a vaccine and a pap smear test schedule for the prevention of cancer.

Women, at the age of 21, or within three years of the starting sexual activity, should start taking the Pap smear test and it should be repeated every two till the age of 30 and every 3 years thereafter.

Early detection of cancer can lead to its surgical removal and it is usually the most preferred way of treatment but not every woman has to undergo it. The different stages for the cervical cancer surgery are - Laser surgery, conization, cryosurgery, simple hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy.

The first alternative is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) which includes the usage of high frequency electrical current to cut and remove the diseased tissue. This procedure is done by administering local an esthetic to numb the cervix and a wire loop is inserted in the vagina. Tissue sample is removed for examination and deeper tissues are used to evaluate the endocervical canal.

The other alternative for cervical cancer surgery is laser surgery which uses a laser beam directed through the vagina instead of a knife to burn the abnormal cells or remove the tissues for biopsy.

Conization is also an option which is a surgical procedure which includes removal of a cone-shape tissue from the cervix and similar to LEEP, it uses a heated wire or a scalpel or laser, which is also known as cone knife cone biopsy. This one is beneficial as women's ability for pregnancies can be preserved in major cases.

Hysterectomy is an option which involves many kinds of procedures and it aims to eliminate the cancerous tissue by uterus removal. Those who try for pregnancy can be rest assured as the ovaries are intact after the hysterectomy procedure. If the woman cannot bear childre n even after ovaries are retained after hysterectomy, she would not go into premature menopause.

Women with cervical cancer usually have either a total (simple) hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy. The total hysterectomy includes the removal of uterus and cervix but it leaves intact the vagina, lymph nodes and the parametrium. Radical hysterectomy, unlike simple hysterectomy, is the removal of uterus, cervix, parametrium and the supporting ligaments, upper vagina and the local lymph nodes (with a procedure called lymphadenectomy). If the fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed with radical hysterectomy, the procedure is known as bilateral-salpingo-oopherectomy.

One should be aware about different surgery options and discuss with their surgeons.

Here author is giving you a complete information about medical products [http://docturs.com/dd/], medical news, cervical cancer, healthcare news. Cervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or c ervical area, it may present with vaginal bleeding.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Cervical Cancer - Surgery Treatment

Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women and it is said to be preventable if it is detected early. Girls of the age 11 and 12 can be given a vaccine and a pap smear test schedule for the prevention of cancer.

Women, at the age of 21, or within three years of the starting sexual activity, should start taking the Pap smear test and it should be repeated every two till the age of 30 and every 3 years thereafter.

Early detection of cancer can lead to its surgical removal and it is usually the most preferred way of treatment but not every woman has to undergo it. The different stages for the cervical cancer surgery are - Laser surgery, conization, cryosurgery, simple hysterectomy, radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy.

The first alternative is loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) which includes the usage of high frequency electrical current to cut and remove the dise ased tissue. This procedure is done by administering local anesthetic to numb the cervix and a wire loop is inserted in the vagina. Tissue sample is removed for examination and deeper tissues are used to evaluate the endocervical canal.

The other alternative for cervical cancer surgery is laser surgery which uses a laser beam directed through the vagina instead of a knife to burn the abnormal cells or remove the tissues for biopsy.

Conization is also an option which is a surgical procedure which includes removal of a cone-shape tissue from the cervix and similar to LEEP, it uses a heated wire or a scalpel or laser, which is also known as cone knife cone biopsy. This one is beneficial as women's ability for pregnancies can be preserved in major cases.

Hysterectomy is an option which involves many kinds of procedures and it aims to eliminate the cancerous tissue by uterus removal. Those who try for pregnancy can be rest assured as the ovaries are intact after the hysterectomy procedure. If the woman cannot bear children even after ovaries are retained after hysterectomy, she would not go into premature menopause.

Women with cervical cancer usually have either a total (simple) hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy. The total hysterectomy includes the removal of uterus and cervix but it leaves intact the vagina, lymph nodes and the parametrium. Radical hysterectomy, unlike simple hysterectomy, is the removal of uterus, cervix, parametrium and the supporting ligaments, upper vagina and the local lymph nodes (with a procedure called lymphadenectomy). If the fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed with radical hysterectomy, the procedure is known as bilateral-salpingo-oopherectomy.

One should be aware about different surgery options and discuss with their surgeons.

Here author is giving you a complete information about medical products [http://docturs.com/dd/], medical news, cervical cancer, healthcare news. C ervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area, it may present with vaginal bleeding.

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Learn More About The Best Treatment for PCOS

Learn More About The Best Treatment for PCOS

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome is probably well known to you. It's estimated that more than half of the women who have PCOS will have difficulty getting pregnant or will develop secondary issues that are related to their PCOS.

PCOS treatments have varied as widely as the symptoms of the disease process, but among those treatments which are considered and used are Medical intervention-systemic medications to assist the body such as anti-diabetic type medications, surgical intervention. And natural course of treatment such as dietary modification and weight loss plan.

Of course, the plan which is most accepted and most promoted is the more natural approach to the management of your PCOS and the underlying cause, which is most often insulin resistance.

About one in every ten women will be affected by PCOS. There are no real indicators of a change in the overall trending with regard to race, color, nationality or other factors that may be relevant in oth er disease processes. Typically PCOS will strike at some point during the child bearing years.

Women who are afflicted by PCOS may have other, secondary processes taking place due to the PCOS and the causative factors. Treatment of PCOS is typically going to be most effective when it is more natural. The best PCOS treatments include dietary modification and exercise regimens.

These are geared toward a moderate weight loss and to assisting in alleviation of other symptoms such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and infertility. The more common effect of a natural treatment plan, the best treatment for PCOS, is that a weight loss will take place that is generally about five percent of the pre-treatment weight.

When this takes place, many women will see that they are healthier, that high blood pressure is brought under control, that fertility issues may actually resolve themselves.

The best treatment for PCOS is a lower caloric intake, a PCOS diet that will modify the normal intake of the client, and mild to moderate exercise that will assist in lowering the overall body weight.

A good example of the best treatment for PCOS using a diet will be removal of foods that are more processed, which have sugar in them, which are higher in fat, and which do not feature higher fiber. Taking away highly processed foods and those which are laden with sugar will assist the body to combat the underlying cause, the insulin resistance. Replacing those foods with foods which are: higher in protein, lower in fat, not processed highly, lower in carbohydrates and contain less natural sugar will assist your body to better be able to handle the glucose that is input into it.

When you lose weight and are eating more healthily, the body begins to repair itself on many levels. Some women find that they are quite often feeling better, losing weight and that with those changes their infertility resolves on it's own with out the use of outside drugs or other extraordinary measures.

Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn more about the best treatment for PCOS?

Learn more about PCOS and discover that there is a natural cure for this condition by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.com/


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Uterine Cancer Survival Rate - Dare To Know Your Chances

Uterine Cancer Survival Rate - Dare To Know Your Chances

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

A Uterine cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.

Endometrial carcinoma or Uterine Cancer is the most common malignancy of the female population. Each year, there are about 40,300 new cases diagnosed with this type of cancer, although in many occasions (around 75%), the diagnosis is established when the tumor is confined to the body of the uterus, therefore, many tumors can be cured. The 7,000 annual deaths caused by the cancer mean that this tumor ranks as the seventh leading cause of cancer death in women. It is primarily a neoplasm of postmenopausal women, although there are 25% of cases occurring in women under 50 years and 5% in women under 40 years. It is a predominantly common in Eastern Europe and the U.S. but quite rare in Asia.

Phenotypic traits and risk factors common in patients with endometrial cancer are obesity, menstrual disorders, a low fertil ity rate, late menopause, lack of ovulation and bleeding after menopausal. The risk is doubled in women taking tamoxifen to treat or prevent breast cancer. The maximum age of onset of endometrial carcinoma is the sixth and seventh decades of life. The symptoms are: abnormal vaginal discharge (90%), abnormal bleeding (80%), usually postmenopausal and vaginal discharge (10%). The study of patients with endometrial cancer may require a history and physical and gynecological examination, followed by endometrial biopsy or dilation of the cervix with fractional curettage. It may require an invasive procedure or minor surgery to establish the extent and degree of myometrial invasion or determine the staging. You have to take samples of peritoneal fluid, to explore the abdomen and pelvis, and perform a pelvic lymphadenectomy. As of today, around 74% of the patients are in stage I, 13% in stage II, 9% stage III, and 3% stage IV.

Uterine Cancer Survival rates at five years are a s follows: Stage I: 89%, stage II: 80%, stage III: 30%, and stage IV: 9%.

A superficial invasion of the uterus (Stage I) can be treated with chemotherapy, but if the invasion is a bit larger, your doctor may suggest a radical hysterectomy or preoperative radiotherapy followed by extrafascial hysterectomy. About 15% of women with endometrial cancer are in stage II and the treatment depends on the intensity of this invasion. When the process has spread outside the uterus, but remains within the pelvis (stage III), treatment usually consists of surgery plus radiation. Patients whose cancer is only confined in the ovary and fallopian tubes, outcome with this treatment is quite high (80% uterine cancer survival rate at five years). Other stage III patients with a tumor spread beyond the Annexes and those with serous endometrial carcinoma have a significantly worse prognosis (uterine cancer survival rate of 15% at five years).

Want to know more about Uterine Cancer Sur vival Rate? Check out Cancer Survival Rates and get the latest update about cancer.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Choosing Proper Treatment For Cervical Cancer

Choosing Proper Treatment For Cervical Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the common cause of deaths among women. It is caused by the virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). This is spread through sexual contact. If the woman's body cannot fight off this virus, this may lead to cancer. Women predisposed to having cervical cancer are those who smoke, with many children, with HIV infection, those who have a history of cancer in the family, and those who have had multiple sexual partners.

There are women who get so scared to go to doctors to get check-ups that they become their own doctors and self-medicate. There are appropriate treatments that are offered by doctors to patients with cervical cancer. These options are radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery or a combination of these.

Treatment options would mainly depend on the size of the tumor and whether or not the cancer has spread throughout the body. A woman's need to be pregnant in the future will also be considered before choosing a specific type of treatment. The doctor would be describing the options to the woman, along with its expected results.

One of the surgeries that a cervical cancer patient would have to undergo would be radical trachelectomy. This entails the removal of the cervix, part of the vagina and the lymph nodes in the pelvis. This is one of those surgeries that women would opt for if they want to get pregnant after the surgery. Another type of surgery is radical hysterectomy where the cervix, its tissues, the uterus and the vagina are removed. In total abdominal hysterectomy, the surgeon would remove the whole cervix and the uterus, preventing the chance of growing or spreading out.

Before the treatment is started, it is advised that a woman ask her doctor what changes would have to be made after treatment has been done. There are various side effects when undergoing the total abdominal hysterectomy like becoming depressed. This way, the doctor will be able to help you prepare for these c hanges. A woman's support system will be very crucial to her recovery to guide her through the changes that she would be experiencing.

There has recently been a vaccine that would help prevent a woman from acquiring cervical cancer. There are 3 shots that need to be completed. Although it is not entirely an assurance that cervical cancer will be prevented, the chance of getting the disease will be lowered.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Get to Know Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Get to Know Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

Do you know that "Cervical cancer" is one of the most silent and most dangerous diseases that may encounter by women? It is because of the unnoticeable symptoms that is just mimicking to the other ailments. Many women just ignore the symptoms for they have know that it is just a simple ovulation pain, but there is a big risk, cancer will just directly appear if it is complex. Cervical cancer does not usually show it's symptoms until the cancer is advanced and has spread out. These are the possible symptoms of the cervical cancer that a woman may notice:

Abnormal bleeding: there is abnormal bleeding of vagina and during the month the bleeding can be heavy or light. And the changes of vaginal bleeding can be noted that it is one of the signs of cervical cancer.

Unusual heavy discharge: the boost of vaginal discharge is one of the symptoms of this cancer. There is a foul smell of it and i t contains watery and very thick mucus that is not normal and can be observed directly.

Pelvic pain: it is not interrelated to the normal cycle of menstrual that there could be a mild or severe pain that a woman may suffer. In which the pain that a woman suffers is so painful, from dull ache to sharp pain, and can be more dangerous if it is not associated with your menstrual period.

Pain during Urination: it is the bladder infection in which, there is pain during urination or bladder pain and could be more risky if the cancer is spreading out in the bladder.

Bleeding between regular menstrual periods, after sexual intercourse, from douching or pelvic exam: The irritation of the cervix and the bleeding will occur directly after doing sex and will also occur during douching. In menstrual periods which could cause severe cervical infection that would cause this cancer.

Cervical cancer starts on the surface of the cervix which is in the cells and there ar e two types of cells in the surface of the cervix: the columnar and the squamos. Most of the occurrences of cervical cancer are in the squamos cells. The cervical cancer usually develops very slowly and starts with "dysplasia" which is the precancerous condition. Dysplasia can be detected easily by a Pap smear and is 100% proven treatable. The undetected precancerous condition would develop into a cancer and may spread to the bladder, lungs, liver, and intestines.

Cervical cancer is almost caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). It is an ordinary virus that is widely spread through sexual intercourse. These are caused by having sex at an early age, having multiple sexual partners that participate in high-risk sexual activities and having weak immune system and poor economic status.

The cervical cancer can be cured by devastating and taking away the precancerous tissue. There many ways of surgeries without removing the uterus or damaging the cervix in order to stil l have children for the future.

Surgery types of early cervical cancer:

Laser therapy - it is the use of light to burn abnormal tissue.

LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) - it is the use of electricity in order to remove abnormal tissue.

Cryotherapy - it will freeze the abnormal cells.

Surgery types for advanced cervical cancer:

Hysterectomy - the removal of the uterus but will not get the ovaries and may be done by women that who have repeatedly undergo to LEEP procedures.

Radiation therapy - it is to treat cancer that has spread out into the pelvis, or cancer that have returned. It is either external or internal.

Chemotherapy - the use of drugs for exterminating cancer.

There are many options for cervical cancer treatment. You already know the cervical cancer symptoms as well as the treatments, sometimes treatments are used in combination. Treatment is best for you if you have the guidance and follow the adv ice of surgeon or oncologist to have the safe and the proper procedures for fighting and preventing cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is a threat that can be treated!

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

She Has Three Months To Live

She Has Three Months To Live

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Deep down you know what it is. Deep down, you know it's cancer, but your mind won't allow it to be spoken, somehow. The evening before, I'd received a phone call from the surgeon's secretary. Would I please report to the hospital at lunchtime the following day. Mr. Sullivan would like a word.

For some odd reason, in England, we always call our surgeons 'Mister.' I was ushered into a large, untidy office and given a chair at a large, untidy desk. Mr. Sullivan came striding in, followed closely by a male nurse. I wondered idly about the presence of the nurse, but by that time, Sullivan had seated himself opposite me and leaned his hands, fingers interlocked, on a small mountain of files he'd been carrying.

"Right, Mr. Bond. Your wife has three months."

"Oh! And then she can come home?"

"No, Mr. Bond. She has three months to live. Sorry."

Why he'd bothered to sit down in the first place, I don't know, because he simply gathered his files and can tered out of the room. The nurse hovered. I stood. "Will you be all right, Sir?" "Yes thanks, fine." I went outside into the bright sunshine and felt the tears pushing fiercely against the backs of my eyes.

Don't let go now, old son, I thought. You have to drive home. I managed the short journey and held myself in without too much trouble. I climbed out of the car, went into the house and flung myself down on the sofa. Then boy, did I let rip!

About ten minutes worth of cushion-soaking, though, and I pulled myself together. I was yet to go through the grieving cycle, of course. Far too early for that. All I'd done was to rid myself of the raw shock.

Apart from the knowledge of losing Anne, which was an all-enveloping darkness of spirit, my other great concern was that I'd turn back to the bottle. I went to the doctor, and she gave me some strong antidepressants to be taken as needed. They proved invaluable.

I had to make the usual arrangements for cre mation, which was something Anne had insisted upon years before, the Death Certificate and other necessary items. My sister-in-law flew in from Canada, (Anne was Canadian), and she supported me magnificently.

I must admit now that everything's somewhat of a blur. To begin with, this happened over 30 years ago now, and memory has a way of fading the unpleasantness into a sort of oblivion. I went through all the usual grieving steps; deep sorrow, self-pity, anger. I went upstairs to sort Anne's clothes out, but of course the smell of her was upon them, and I simply couldn't continue.

The surgeon gave me his prognosis in May. One August evening I arrived home from work, just as the phone was ringing. It was the hospital, to say that Anne had died. The interesting part about all this is that it hit me like a sledgehammer. I thought I was well prepared after three months, but I wasn't.

There's always a residue of hope...

Grief affects us all in different w ays. You can feel very lonely and if someone else is going through this same misery, I hope this article shows that they're not alone. It happens, and you recover. Go to Mike Bond's website, The Hypnosis Attraction, where you'll find other tools for dealing with grief


Monday, July 16, 2012

Cervical Cancer Prevention With Whey Protein Powder Supplements

Cervical Cancer Prevention With Whey Protein Powder Supplements

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in world-wide. It is more common in United States because of Pap Smears. A cancer which start in cervix, the lower part of womb which opens at the top of vagina.

In Cervical Cancer, abnormal mass of tissues results in neoplasia in which tumor become worse and results in death. They start in the cell on surface of cervix. There are mostly two types of cells are on cervix: squamous and columnar.Mostly cervical cancer arises in squamous cells.

Cervical cancer progress very slowly. This condition called dysplasia. This condition can be detected by Pap smear and because of that the cases of cervical cancer becomes down since last 10-20 years. While some of the cases cannot be prevented, so here are some guidance to prevent it for the women:

Go For Regular Pap smear

Pap smear is the best and primer defense to detect it before it will convert in cancer. Pap smear which is generally called precautiona ry test is a screening test to check and find out pre-cancerous process easily.

Stay away from the smoking And Second hand smoking

Smoking the cigarettes can increase the possibility of many kinds of cancers including cervical cancer. It can accelerate the HPV infection and accelerate cervical dysplasia too. So you must have to stay away from the smoking and have to stop your habit.

Do follow-up with Abnormal Pap smear

Abnormal Pap smear does not mean that you have cancer but it's a one kind of alarm that you have the infection of abnormal cells which called dysplasia. Do regular follow-up with Pap smear to prevent from cervical because dysplasia can occur in cervical cancer.

Increase your nutrients intake

If you boost up your intake of folic acids, flavonoids and carotenoids than it will not only fight with HPV infection but also prevent you from it and mostly we can see that cancer occur due to human papillomavirus.

Boost up Antiox idants

Antioxidants play a vital role to block the cervical cancer. HTV is the main reason to build up a this cancer, it can't produce itself much. Cancer may be raise because of oxidative stress and the lack of the antioxidants, vitamin E and Q 10 in women. Boosting up the Antioxidants can resist the HTV.

Include Resveratrol

From the Antioxidants, polyphenol is the key to resist the cell of cancer and you will find them from the resveratrol. And for that, taking supplement is the best solution. Natural whey protein powder which comes with all natural ingredients, amino acids and other nutrition will help you to resist the Cancer.

Whey protein powder with 100% natural whey protein isolate will protect you against all kind of cancer and also on other diseases. So, prefer all these precautions to prevent from Cervical Cancer.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cervical Cancer Test for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer Test for Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is a disease that usually affects women with ages 40 and above. The primary cause of this disease in general is caused by HPV or Human papilloma virus which is transmitted and communicated from sexual contact. This disease can last for a long period of time, years maybe and leads to cancerous cervix cells. In order to treat the cancer as early as possible, it should be detected through cervical cancer test.

Early detection of cancer can prevent it from getting severe. This is advisable so that patients suffering from this disease can treat the cancer and prevent it from spreading all throughout the body. Some cervical cancer tests to undergo are:

̢ۢ Pap smear test. One of the best ways of detecting this cancer is to undergo pap smear cancer screening test. This common test is also known as Pap test. This is usually a cervical cancer test used to identify cervical cancer in its early stage. This is done by collecting cervical cells then it is s meared on a glass side in order to screen precancerous or cancerous cells.

̢ۢ HPV test. Another method of testing is HPV testing and typing. HPV DNA test detects the existence of the most common high-risk HPV types; however, it does not determine the specific type. HPV test is also recommended by The American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists that woman ages 30 and above should undergo such test.

̢ۢ Diagnostic tests such as Colposcopy and Biopsy. Colposcopy is a follow up test placing a vinegar-like solution on the cervix, and use a bright light to examine the closely the cervix. Biopsy is done if there are irregularities found on the cervix. This test is the only test that will tell and prove whether the abnormal cells are precancerous, cancerous or reactive.

Just like any cancer, the earlier this cancer is detected and treated, the bigger chance of getting rid of it for good. Do not be afraid of taking and undergoing cervical cancer tests becaus e these tests might be the only way for survival. If you have observed or felt something unusual with yourself, don't hesitate to visit your doctor for a check up to see if there is something wrong with you. Live a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent any diseases such as cancer. Nourish your body with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and live a cancer free life.

Be aware and be informed more about cervical cancer tests at [http://www.CervicalCancerSignsSymptoms.com]


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ovarian Cancer In Women: Be Aware Of The Symptoms

Ovarian Cancer In Women: Be Aware Of The Symptoms

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

The symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be difficult to notice. Many people may put the signs down to something else. In the United Kingdom alone 7000 women a year are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

If the cancer is diagnosed early the treatment may be more effective, the people more at risk of developing ovarian cancer are those aged 30+, and post menopausal women.

It is important for women to know that a cervical smear test, does not pick up on ovarian cancer, smear tests usually just look for abnormal cells that may be a sign of cervical cancer.

Some of the early signs that you may have ovarian cancer are;

- Constant pains in the abdomen, much like period pains
- Bloating of the stomach (not just after eating)
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent urination or having trouble urinating
- Bowel problems such as diarrhea or constipation
- Tiredness
- Pains in the back or neck
- Weight loss (only if it is unexplained)

A s I stated above these symptoms can often be mistook for something else. Some women may feel abdominal pains before their period along with a bloated feeling.

Because symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be like regular everyday problems for most, because of this delay the cancer can often spread. This makes treatment more intense and the success rate may be lower than that if the cancer was diagnosed earlier.

This cancer can sometimes be hereditary, if 2 or more members of your family have previously suffered with breast or ovarian cancer you should let your doctor know.

Some younger women often ignore the symptoms mentioned above, this may be because they feel that the cancer is a problem that only affects the older woman. It may be because they have no idea that the symptoms they are experiencing are like those for ovarian cancer.

If you are noticing any of the above symptoms on a daily basis, I urge you to seek advice from your doctor or other health professional. It may be nothing to worry about, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

It is not a very common form of cancer, more common forms are breast, cervical cancer in women or testicular cancer in men.

If you think you may be suffering with any of these symptoms then you should speak with your doctor as soon as possible, I urge you to do this for any symptoms, not just the ones I have mentioned above. If you have already spoken with your doctor, and your symptoms are getting worse, go back and ask your doctor for more accurate tests.

As the symptoms of ovarian cancer in women are similar to those you would get with a period, you may feel like it is not important enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, this can be detrimental to your health. Early detection of the cancer may save lives! If you or someone you know is having any of these problems please get it checked out.

For further information on Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer In Women th en please visit my health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer And Why Early Detection Is Crucial

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer And Why Early Detection Is Crucial

The first thing of note when dealing with ovarian tumors is that not all of the tumors are cancerous as it all depends on the cells that developed the tumor. In essence there are three main types of tumors that are developed in the ovaries. These are stomal, epithelial and germ cell tumors. Each have a different way of developing. For example the epithelia tumors grows on the outer area of the ovaries while the germ cell is based on the cells of the egg. The stromal tumor utilizes the hormone that regulates female reproduction.

There are some symptoms that you need to be aware of with regards to ovarian cancer, these can include swelling of the abdomen, along with constant pressure on your pelvis area. A loss of appetite is another signs of ovarian cancer. If such symptoms appear to get worse over time then it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It is true that these symptoms do overlap with other symptoms for other diseases and ailments, but since they correlate with a serious disease such as ovarian cancer it is best to seek out medical attention to get an actual diagnosis. If you notice that you experience other issues such as back pain mainly in the lower region or you are having painful sex then you should definitely consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

The diagnosis of ovarian cancer will also be based on a stage level. In most cases this will range from Stage 1 to Stage 4. With Stage 1 being the early stages and Stage 4 being the latter stage of development. When detected early this cancer can be treated successfully, but if diagnosed late it can lead to serious complications are or even death.

To get a better idea of the percentages for survival I'll break down the range of survival for each stage. The earliest stage which is stage 1 has a current rate of 89% for those who are in this s tage, that's why it is important that you seek treatment as soon as possible if you are experiencing any symptoms. In stage two, the percentage rate of survival is estimated to be 66 percent, while stage four has a survival rate of only 18%. As noted, the earlier the cancer is detected, the better chance you have of survival. Do not waste any time if you believe you are experiencing symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

For further information on Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer then please visit my health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Cheap Way To Screen for Cervical Cancer

Cheap Way To Screen for Cervical Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of women cancer deaths in developing countries where health care resources are lacking and not adequate, particularly in the poor rural regions.

A cheap screening method is helping to detect for early signs of cervical cancer. It requires a swab of vinegar (with 3 to 5 percent acetic acid) on the cervix and after three to five minutes if any area turns white, it is a sign of a pre-cancerous or cancerous lesion. A lesion is known to have more DNA, and thus consists more protein compared to other tissues. Acetic acid coagulates with the protein which results in a whitish appearance. Any detection of an abnormal lesion will be frozen and destroyed using cryotherapy, or cold therapy, which utilises a metal rod cooled by a tank of carbon dioxide.

This test is also called visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), and it was developed by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine based on a well-known procedure among gynecologis ts in the United States, in which vinegar is used to confirm a positive Pap (Papanicolaou) smear. It has been introduced in pilot projects in more than 20 nations such as Peru, India, Philippines and Thailand.

Cervical cancer is cancer at the neck of the womb called the cervix. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a group of over 100 different types of viruses, and some are known to infect the cells in cervix, leading to cancerous growth. Cervical cancer in its early days does not cause any symptoms. In later stages symptoms are unusual pelvic pain, pain while urinating or abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Benefits of The VIA Screening

Just regular table vinegar is needed for VIA, which makes it a truly inexpensive screening procedure.

A 1999 field study in Zimbabwe comparing the vinegar test method with a Pap smear found that the acid test detected more lesions though at the same time it was also more prone to false positives. However it is s till proving to be an effective and safe alternative to the more expensive Pap smear for screening early signs of cervical cancer. It can help the health care personnel make an instant decision as to whether a person needs further treatment.

Both the VIA screening and cold treatment can be performed on the same visit, unlike a Pap smear where you have to go back home and wait for lab results to come back before you visit your doctor a second time to hear the outcome. The VIA procedure can be carried out by a nurse or a medical worker after three to four days of training.

To learn more about cancer preventive strategies, head over to the health journal Tips Of All Sorts and if optimal health is your goal, check out the "Total Health Breakthrough" dietary plan today!

Tips Of All Sorts is a health reporter's journal with notes on modern day issues that matter to everyday living.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Treatment Options For Ovarian Cancer

Treatment Options For Ovarian Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is said to be a silent killer because the symptoms are similar to many common ailments such as indigestion, urinary and bladder problems as well as lower back pain. As a result the symptoms are often overlooked and the cancer is not detected until it has reached a deadly stage.

Only about 20 percent of ovarian cancers are detected before it has begun to spread past the ovaries where it begins. When detected at an early enough stage, the cancer is treatable with both conventional and natural treatments.

Conventional Treatments. The standard conventional treatments that are used to treat ovarian cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The stage of the cancer will determine which treatment is suitable.

The type of surgery depends on how far the cancer has spread. The patient may have one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, as well as the uterus, cervix and the omentum. The omentum is a layer of fat tissues t hat lines the abdomen and helps to support the abdominal organs.

Chemotherapy is a drug that can be taken orally or be injected directly into the bloodstream, organs or close to the affected area to stop the growth or the spreading of cancer. Again, the type of chemotherapy depends on how far the cancer has spread.

Radiation can be administered both internally or externally, and both are designed to kill off cancerous cells. When administered externally a machine is used to radiate the affected area. When administered internally, the radioactive material is placed near the affected area with needles or tubes known as catheters.

Natural Treatments. Due to the high death rate and negative side effects of conventional medicine, many are turning to more natural ways to treat their cancer. There have been many reports of patients who have been healed with natural medicines and home remedies.

The Gerson Therapy is located in Tijuana Mexico, and it has been very effective in helping many cancer patients make a full recovery from their disease. The main method of treatment involves freshly squeezed fruit and vegetables juices. This helps the body to eliminate harmful toxins that promote the growth of cancerous cells.

Ginger root, green tea and foods high in vitamin B17 have been found to be effective in destroying cancerous cells. Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of apricots, apples, chia and flax, as well as in cranberries, raspberries and strawberries, alfalfa, beans and grains.

Vitamin D and selenium can help to stop the growth of cancerous cells. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally through sun exposure, and selenium is found in most nuts with a significant amount in Brazil nuts and cashews. Selenium is also found in sunflower seeds, dates, bananas, mangoes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, peas, mushrooms and coconuts.

Adding these foods to the diet will not only help to fight cancer, but they can also help to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. For more information on ovarian cancer visit: http://hubpages.com/hub/OvarianCancer


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Facts About Cervical Cancer

Facts About Cervical Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

If you have heard of cervical cancer, then you must surely know about two vaccinations that have come up in past few years. The vaccines are Gardasil and Cervarix that are efficient in preventing the disease.

The two cervical cancer vaccinations have gained popularity worldwide due to rise in number of cases of cervical cancer. Along with this tremendous media penetration has led to the global platform for the vaccines. The increasing concern of health and fitness among major countries in the world has also given rise to advance treatment facilities for cancer.

Numerous women population around the world suffers from cervical cancer, which often leads to death. So vaccines are boon to prevent the deadly disease. However, it has to be clearly borne in mind that every medications and treatment including artificial drug, pharmaceutical product or vaccine comes along with some side effects both negative and positive. Cervical vaccines also belong to the same catego ry.

The media should take responsibility in generating mass awareness about true facts of the cervical cancer vaccination. So you need to take care of it.Some of the health risks associated with the vaccines includes paralysis, loss of consciousness, hospitalization, Guillain Barre Syndrome, permanent disability or death.

It is better for patients and persons to know more about beneficial effects of the vaccines before using them. So you need to consult with Doctor If you face any problem.You have the right to information, so don't believe in media exaggerations, judge it by yourself.

Hi, I am Christy Smith. I am attached with a medical organization for a long time. Article writing is my hobby. I have written lots of articles regarding cervical vaccines and etc.


Watching Out for Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Watching Out for Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian cancer symptoms are often mistaken for another milder condition by both women and doctors alike. They are so vague that they can often lead you to think that you may have a condition in the reproductive system, but that it is not as serious as cancer.

Cancer is something that everyone has been trying to avoid. Currently, healthy living has taken a front seat in today's society. People are so health conscious that they do away with food that they think is unhealthy. Not only are they trying to avoid cancer, but all other forms of diseases as well. However, we all know that no matter how healthy you are, you will get sick one way or another. The next best thing you can do is early detection. With early detection, you might be able to stop the disease early in its tracks and this could mean a lot when it comes to your survival. This is especially true with cancer.

The sad thing about cancer though, is that it is very cunning. You feel fine one day. And the next day you discover you are already in Stage 4. Do not be disheartened though. There are actually signs and symptoms that you can watch out for. You may have noticed them before, but dismissed them as something that you shouldn't be concerned about. Well this time, you know better.

In ovarian cancer, you should be looking out for pelvic or abdominal pain. Now, women suffer from abdominal pain regularly, especially during their menstrual cycle. This is called dysmenorrhea. However, dysmenorrhea would only last for a short while - 3 to 4 days max. In ovarian cancer, abdominal pain may last for two to three weeks.

Painless bleeding is another great sign of cancer. Women with ovarian cancer might bleed a lot. They will bleed more than normal, and the thing that separates them from menstrual bleeding si that bleeding in ovarian cancer lasts for weeks at a time.

Changes in your menstrual cycles could be attributed to a lot of factors. Stress, for one thing, would greatly affect you menstrual cycle. However, if you observe that you have been suffering from continuous abnormalities in your menstrual cycle, like amenorrhea, mittelschmerz, excessive bleeding and more, you should immediately consult with your doctor.

Other symptom associated with ovarian cancer would be feeling of fullness after just a small intake of food or water, bloating, changes in your bowel movement, constant back pain that cannot be explained, decrease or lack in appetite, and pelvic heaviness.

As you can observe from the previous paragraph, the symptoms mentioned could also be related to other reproductive system conditions. They key here is to get consultation as early as possible. Most people are too scared to go to the doctor and find out that they are already suffering from a serious disease. If you ask me, it is better to know than to be ignorant. If you are aware of your cond ition, you could get treatment and increase the chances of your survival, right?

For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ovarian Cancer Survival Rate

Ovarian Cancer Survival Rate

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is cancer of the ovaries, that part of a woman's body where a child grows. According to most medical statistics, over fifteen thousand women die each year from this cancer. Medical studies have also shown that 45% of the women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer live five or more years after the initial diagnosis.

These are pretty grim statistics. Over half of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer die in less than five years after the initial diagnosis. Many medical professionals feel that their studies seem to show that one very real reason for this is that cancer has little or no symptoms and so before it is discovered this cancer has developed and spread.

What can be done to increase these survival rates? One way is to have a gynecological examination performed regularly. Yes, this may well cause you to experience some pain, however not any where's near as much pain as the mental pain of sitting across from your doctor's desk and hearing that you are in the advanced stages of ovarian cancer and will most likely die within five years.

Ovarian cancer isn't just one type of cancer but rather an overall name given to several different forms of cancer which occur in the ovaries.

It is important to note that most medical studies seem to show that cancer is genetic, that is the tendency towards having ovarian cancer of any kind runs in families.

Medical professionals feel that their studies seem to show also that women who have a multiple number of children are less apt to contract some form of this cancer. This is also true of women who use oral contraceptive devices. These medical professionals have therefore theorized that their studies indicate that cancer is related in some way to ovulation, that is the discharge of a mature ovum from the ovary. They feel that various occurrences that suppress ovulation in some way actually serve to lessen the chances of the woman developing some form of this cancer.

It has also been shown that the majority of cases of this cancer happen to older women, many into their seventies.

The ovarian cancer survival rate can be increased by taking proper precautions. Listen to your doctor, have that pap smear as advised. Don't wait until something seems wrong to have yourself checked out, do it on a regular basis. Don't wait, it might be too late.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

HPV DNA Testing Can Accurately Detect Cervical Cancer

HPV DNA Testing Can Accurately Detect Cervical Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

When a woman reaches the age of 40, she will be at risk of contracting cervical cancer. This disease is primarily caused by the Human papilloma virus or HPV. It is transmitted through sexual contact. HPV doesn't necessarily start out or develop into cancerous cervix cells. However, this disease will usually persist for a long period and can eventually lead to cervical cancer.

Recent studies show that HPV DNA testing is actually more accurate in detecting cervical cancer compared to traditional Pap smear. Looking at the statistics, an HPV DNA test was able to detect about 95% of cases while a Pap smear only detected 55%, both having tested the same participants.

However, it is necessary to point out that this particular DNA test would still need a sample to be collected from the cervix. This test will not suffice as a blood test. That needs to be emphasized, because news reports that have been coming out pertaining to this particular DNA test does not clarify t he extent of this procedure.

At present, though, an HPV DNA procedure is being performed together with the traditional Pap smear. But it is also worth mentioning that an HPV DNA testing procedure costs more than the traditional Pap smear - almost $90 compared to $20. One more thing, even women who have received HPV vaccinations are still recommended for screening since there is actually more than one cancer causing strain that is not yet covered the HPV vaccine.

With regard to cervical cancer, early detection is still the best defense against the disease. It is for this reason that women are recommended to undergo tests that could rule out the chances of having cervical cancer. Pap smear is probably the most common test to detect cervical cancer and as mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, it is the most affordable test. It is done by collecting cells from the cervix for examination under the microscope.

An HPV test involves testing and typing. An HPV DNA test is able to detect the presence of the most common high-risk HPV types.

In conclusion, cervical cancer, just like any other cancer, with early detection and treatment, has a greater chance for an individual to get rid of the disease for good.

Are you looking for more information regarding HPV DNA Testing? Visit http://www.dnatesting.cc/ today!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates - Be Informed

Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates - Be Informed

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Various researches have shown an exponential increase in ovarian cancer survival rates within the last 35 years. During the period of 2003 to 2007, a survey has shown an increase in 1 and 5 year ovarian cancer survival rates, with a percentage of 70 and 41 percent respectively from a previous percentage of 42 and 21 percent.

This incredible increase in ovarian cancer survival rates is highly due to the advancements in modern medicine. The huge increase in 1 year survival statistics is because of the use of platinum based chemotherapy while the 5 year increase is due to the new optimal treatments that could be given to women who are suffering from cancer of the ovary.

Age has always been a huge factor when it comes to cancer treatment of any kind. Further analysis has shown that younger women have shown better developments than older women. Ovarian cancer survival rates of women 16 to 35 years of age in a five - year period have reflected a 80% survival ratio. On the other hand women who are aged 40 years and above have a significantly lower 60% survival ratio. A research made in the United Kingdom has shown that cancer of the ovary is less likely to be identified when they get older. This is a huge factor in relation with the survival statistics of cancer of the ovary among older women.

Cancer stages are also a determining factor when it comes to ovarian cancer survival rates. When malignant cancer cells start to expand towards other systems of the body, survival chances decrease as the tumor expands due to infection. Though there have been studies that have shown a significant increase in the survival ratio per stage. At the previous years of 1987 to 1991 there was only an ovarian cancer survival rate of the first stage only had 80% while this has increased to 92% in the years 2004 to 2008. There has also been a slight increase in the survival ratio of the third and fourth stage of the disease from the previous years.

< P>There have been many comparisons in many countries when it comes to the statistics of this kind of cancer. The good news is that, with our technology today many options are now available to provide accurate and helpful methods to free women of this terminal cancer. All women should know is that, there are a huge number of people who have lived past the nightmare because of the same disease, and they shouldn't give up on their battle as well.

For more ovarian cancer survival rates, visit Ovarian Cancer Survival Rates.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Complications of Uterine Cancer

The Complications of Uterine Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cancer of the reproductive system for women is not a new condition. The first medically documented cases of uterine cancer symptoms. The most ancient documented case of cancer comes from Egypt in the year 1500 BC when a papyrus record reported eight cases of tumors occurring. The tumors were treated by cauterization with an instrument that the ancient Egyptian's called a "fire drill" and removal of the tumors was the only treatment available at that time.

In our modern time the instance of uterine cancer is approximately 1-2% in women aged 30-60 years. The method of treatment has not varied much since ancient times with the addition of new radiation and chemotherapy, however in most cases the affected areas are removed surgically. The best recovery result for a patient suffering uterine cancer symptoms where the cancer has been confirmed remains removal of the uterus as well as any other reproductive organs that the cancer may have spread to, including the ovaries a nd fallopian tubes.

Chemotherapy and radiation treatments typically follow surgery in order to prevent any remaining mutated cells from spreading to other areas of the body. The complication of treating uterine cancer symptoms is that the cancer is located closely to the abdominal lymph nodes. Once a cancer enters the lymphatic system it becomes virtually impossible to prevent its spread throughout other areas of the body and inevitably the patient succumbs to the cancer at stage four of metastasis. At stage four most cancers are considered to be terminal.

Uterine cancer symptoms are also complicated because while they do manifest themselves as measurable notable symptoms, these symptoms tend to exactly mirror those of regular menses. So menstrual cramping, bleeding and discomfort may be a familiar experience for most women in their fertile years and they are hallmarks of uterine cancer symptoms. They may not be noted as anything different or suspect to further i nvestigation given the patients familiarity with that particular symptom. Other symptoms of bloating or heavy bleeding, mood disorders (depression or anxiety) or irregular cycles can be caused by a myriad of other conditions and again, may fail to red flag the more serious condition of this cancer symptoms.

Certain types of birth control methods may also mask or lighten the severity of this cancer to an extent that they are not problematic until the cancer has escalated to a stage two or stage three cancer levels. It is important to note that in the cases of all cancers early detection is key to positive treatment outcomes and patient survival. If symptoms fail to highlight a series concern prompting in depth investigation is it unlikely that the early window of detection will be achieved for the patient, increasing the morbidity rate of uterine cancer symptoms.

For its ability to mask the symptoms as other more normal symptoms of regular menstruation uterine can cer is also known as one of the "silent killers" in the family of cancers. More research is needed to develop early detection and screening for uterine cancer symptoms.

Find more information on uterine cancer symptoms [http://www.euterinecancersymptoms.com/] here.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An MRI Experience: The Frustration of Unnecessary, Confusing and Incomplete Instructions!

An MRI Experience: The Frustration of Unnecessary, Confusing and Incomplete Instructions!

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures inside the body. I needed this test to determine the extent of my uterine cancer. My recent learning experience with having an MRI reinforced the importance of giving meaningful, clear and complete instructions.

1. Unnecessary Instructions

My appointment instructions explicitly told me to wear pants without any metal attachments. Okay, that was no problem. All I had to do was wear pants with an elastic waist instead of a zipper. Unfortunately, I overlooked the second requirement until I had my snow boots, winter coat, scarf, hat and gloves on. Apparently, I was also supposed to wear pants without pockets.

This created some stress on my part. Who owns pants without pockets? I certainl y don't! Actually, what is the point of pants that have no pockets?

Once we got to the hospital, there was no problem. They handed me pajama bottoms to wear. I guess I was one in a long line of patients who were not pocketless pant owners!

This begs the question- why give those pants instructions at all? A good rule of thumb for hospitals, trainers and life itself is to avoid giving unnecessary instructions!

2. Confusing Instructions

The instructions on the bottle of prescription sedatives indicated that two sedatives should be taken 30 minutes before the MRI and another two sedatives should be taken 30 minutes after the MRI.

Taking them beforehand made perfect sense. I am claustrophobic and the idea of lying completely enclosed for an hour gave me great concern, to say the least. The sedatives were intended to take the edge off and enable me to relax and stay still.

However, I couldn't imagine why I would need to take two more sedatives after the MRI. Would there be post-traumatic stress from the MRI experience? Was this a clever intervention intended to distract me and minimize my ability to think clearly and ask anxious questions after the procedure?

Who knows? I still don't know, because no one at the hospital could explain the need for post MRI sedation and I personally felt no need for it.

Let's add confusing instructions to the list of things to avoid. Instructions should contribute to clarity rather than confusion.

3. Incomplete Instructions

While some instructions are meaningless or simply confusing, some don't go far enough.

If a patient takes a sedative, the hospital insists on having someone else drive a patient to and from the MRI. However, they say nothing about the length of time it will take before the patient can safely resume driving.

Because I asked the question, I learned that the sedatives I had taken would impair my me ntal capacity and motor coordination for 6-10 hours! Unfortunately, this information was not printed anywhere or volunteered by any medical personnel. If I hadn't asked the question, I would never have known the answer.

I had errands to run that afternoon. I could easily have been a danger to myself or to others on the road if I had hopped into my car once I got back from the hospital. Luckily, since I knew that I was incapacitated, my driver kindly took me on those errands.

This seems like a significant oversight in the instructions department, don't you think? If anything deserves to be crystal clear, it should be medical instructions.

However, in the hospital staff's defense, it is probably so obvious to them that sedation takes a long time to wear off, they assume that anyone would know this. As a general rule, it is best to avoid making assumptions.

Life daily provides new lessons to learn. Lessons relating to health and safety can be anxiety-rid den and difficult enough without the added stress and frustration of poor instructions. First do no harm!

Even if you are not a health professional, regardless of the situation, when you give instructions, please make sure that they are necessary, clear and complete.

Deborah Spring Laurel has been a trainer and a consultant in the areas of workplace learning and performance improvement for over thirty years. She has twenty-five years of experience as the President of Laurel and Associates, Ltd,, an international human resource development training and consulting firm that specializes in enhancing interpersonal dynamics within organizations. This journey with uterine cancer is a new learning experience for her.

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Monday, July 2, 2012

Myoma - What Every Woman Should Know

Myoma - What Every Woman Should Know

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

What is Myoma?

Myomas are non cancerous tumors that are commonly found in the uterus. It is a condition that affects almost 75% of women, especially women in their 30's and 40's.

Just last month, I was experiencing abdominal pains and headaches, so I decided to consult my doctor. The doctor did a couple of tests, CT scans, and found multiple cysts in my uterus. Hearing the word "tumor", I got scared, because the condition was very new to me and my family. The doctor was kind enough to let me know the details. According to him, uterine tumors or myomas are completely normal in women after giving birth. They tend to grow during the reproductive years, due to the boost in estrogen levels. I calmed down knowing that these tumors are actually not cancerous.

There are different treatments for myoma, some doctors prescribe only medicines. In my case, the doctor recommended surgery because the tumors were causing discomfort and occasional pain. Personally, I prefer not to have surgery if there is an alternative. But anyway, I trust my doctor, so I went on to have Myomectomy. Prior to the surgery, I was required to eat healthy foods, and was not allowed to eat at least 8 hours before the operation. While the preparation was hard enough, the actual operation ran smoothly. I was given anesthesia and it was very quick. I did not feel a thing. I was always the weak type, but just after 2 days, I was able to get up and I felt a lot better, as if nothing happened. The operation was a total success and I thank my doctor for the excellent job.

I think that uterine tumors are very common to us women, and we must face it eventually. So if you think you have Myoma, please consult your doctor immediately. It is not really something you must be afraid of. Just remember to choose your doctor with care. Having a good doctor will ensure you a quick and smooth recovery.

Elizabeth Hawkins is a professiona l blogger and writer.

She is currently writing reviews for Cheap Nokia Phones [http://cheapnokiaphones.com], which provides quality reviews of new Nokia phones [http://cheapnokiaphones.com].


Sunday, July 1, 2012

What to Do After Cancer

What to Do After Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Many people suffering from cancer find that they are no longer able to conceive, despite all of the best efforts of fertility preservation. There is nothing guaranteed to succeed with fertility preservation during cancer treatments, but it is important to have the right attitude about getting pregnant and starting a family once you have cured your cancer. There are a number of solutions that you can consider, and you may find that starting a family is possible despite the damage the cancer and the subsequent treatments have done to your body.

How to Get Pregnant

If the cancer has damaged your body, it may be very difficult for you to get pregnant. Men suffering from cancer will often become sterile as a result of the treatments, and women may find that one or both of their ovaries are damaged beyond repair. If this is the case, here are some ways that you can get pregnant or start a family despite the cancer treatments:

1. IVF

In vitro fertilizatio n is a method of artificial insemination in which the eggs of the woman are extracted and combined with the semen of the man. The combined eggs and sperm are then incubated to encourage fertilization, and they are then injected back into the woman's womb once the egg has been fertilized. If you suffered from cancer and the treatments have caused early menopause or caused you to stop ovulating, you may find that using this method of conception makes getting pregnant possible.

2. Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination is a more natural method of conception, and it calls for the semen to be injected directly into the womb to make it as easy as possible for the sperm to fertilize the egg. This method is good for men who have low sperm count or motility as a result of their cancer treatment, or for women who have only a few eggs left.

3. Fertility Drugs

Fertility drugs help to boost the fertility level in the bodies of both men and women by increa sing the levels of the hormones that control fertility. These drugs may have negative side effects, but they will be a good solution for those who are suffering from lower fertility than normal as a result of the cancer treatments.

4. Egg and Sperm Donors

Women who have gone through radiation treatment may find that they no longer have any eggs produced by their ovaries, and men may have a very low sperm count as a result of their treatments. If this is the case, the solution may be to obtain a donor for the eggs or sperm. There are hundreds of sperm banks in the country with many sperm samples available, and there are many places where cryopreserved eggs can also be obtained.

5. Surrogacy

If the mother's womb has been damaged or rendered inhospitable for the growing embryos, the body will reject it. In order to avoid this problem, surrogacy is another option to consider. Surrogacy involves implanting inseminated eggs inside a third party's womb, and the embryo simply grows to full term and is delivered by this third party. Many people suffering from cancer find that they are no longer able to conceive, despite all of the best efforts of fertility preservation.

Dealing With the Emotions

Once the cancer treatments have been completed, there is likely to be a flood of emotions that you may have no idea how to deal with. Many people find that they have a low self esteem or self image as a result of the changes their body has undergone, and it is important to deal with these properly. Another emotion that conflicts many people is the feeling that you are alone in your struggle. You may find that negativity floods you, and you may feel that the rest of your life is over.

The reality is that you are never alone. There are many people who have undergone similar situations, and they know what you are feeling. If you feel these negative emotions, you should seek help. Recovering from cancer is as much a mental b attle as it is a physical battle, and you will find that you will need help to overcome the battles you face. Don't hesitate to seek help from friends, family, and even professionals if needed.
