Thursday, September 13, 2012

Know the Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Know the Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Women must know the importance of how danger cervical cancer is. It is the most dangerous silent disease that starts with the symptoms. Early recognition with the symptoms is the only way to start with the early treatment before it gets worst. The earlier the treatment; the greater is the chance for a cure. But how are we going to know the cervical cancer symptoms? Cervix is the part that connects the uterus to the vagina in the lower part of your womb or uterus. It is the constricted neck of the uterus which distends during parturition. Knowing the cervical cancer and its stages is essential for a woman in order to keep away from dangers of this disease.

In concerning the treatment it must have the importance of knowing the stages of cervical cancer. There are diagnostic tests and exams to find out the stages of this cancer.

These are the different stages of cervical cancer:

Tis - it is the cancer cell where the detection of it is only detected on the c ervix's surface but deeper on tissue parts.

Stage 1 Cervical cancer (T1) - the growing of cancer cells in the uterus and it attacks deeper in the tissues of the cervix. The cancer at this condition has not entered thoroughly the cervix and the uterus.

Stage 2 Cervical cancer (T2) - it may be more dangerous because cancer cells are now beyond the uterus and cervix and there is a great chance to damage the vaginal upper parts. During this stage the spreading of it hasn't entered to the pelvic walls or to the vagina's lower parts.

Stage 3 Cervical cancer (T3) -in this stage, there is the spreading of cancer cells to the pelvic walls and/or to the lower part of the vagina. There is a big possibility of blocking the ureters and the tubes that take urine from the kidney to bladder.

This disease will cause a great pain to the person who is suffering, the abnormal bleeding that can be light or heavy during monthly menstruation. There is smelly, watery, thick mucus in the vagina which is unusual heavy discharge. The sharp pains aching during menstrual cycle and can be mild or more severe. The pain that is so painful while urinating that usually gives uncomforted urination. And the extreme bleeding of menstrual periods and even bleeding after sexual intercourse. A person suffering this dangerous disease may encounter anemic due to the extreme bleeding of vagina and there are occurring pelvic, back and leg pain. During using restroom you'll be noticing that there is fecal matter on the vagina due to the blockage of the ureter or from the kidney. This is the result of abnormal opening which occurs in the vagina, rectum or bladder. Most people who suffered this disease lose weight for they lose appetite because of cancer treatments.

Getting to know cervical cancer symptoms is the best choice in order to be free from danger of the risks of this deadly cancer. The awareness of this silent disease which could be fatal must have pr oper information, by knowing the appropriate procedures of keeping free from this ailment, knowing the symptoms and the stages of this disease, and the exact treatment for this. By this information you'll know how to be free from this ailment and gives awareness of everyone how deadly cervical cancer is.

My story began just as many women's stories do. I went to have my yearly PAP smear to check for HPV and Cervical Cancer and possibility to keep myself healthy. You can tell that the answer was not what I expected to be. I tried to find the right treatment for myself and find an alternative treatment.
I opened my blog to express myself and tried to give every woman the knowledge that I had hard time to find.
You can contact me at any time by sending an email, (put on the subject) and I will be happy to give you my knowledge.

Love to help,


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cervical Cancer and Disorders

Cervical Cancer and Disorders

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical Cancer is defined as a malignant growth of the cervical area. Vaginal bleeding may be indicative of this disease buy symptoms may not show themselves until advanced stages of this illness. Papsmear screening can indicate precancerous growths and speed up treatment and provide different options of treatment.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that is a factor in almost all cervical cancer cases. This disease is knows as the "common cold" of sexual transmitted infection and affects more than 80% of all sexually active adults, whether they have symptoms or not. Women or men who have many sexual partners are of greatest risk.

Genital Warts are also caused by various strains of HPV and are not relevant to this cancer, however it is possible to have multiple strains at the same time, those that cause warts and those that cause cervical cancer. The American Cancer Society deems that a patient must be infected with HPV to develop cerv ical cancer, but most women with this high risk HPV do not develop this disease. Use of condoms can reduce but does not always prohibit the contraction of this disease. Likewise, skin to skin contact with infected areas can spread the HPV virus.

Carcinogens from tobacco heightens the risk for many forms of cancer including cervical cancer and smoking doubles the risk to that of a nonsmoker. Low immune systems from not consuming the adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables is also another high risk group. Increasing these actually decreases the risk and/or the persistence of this disease.

Worldwide, this cancer is the twelfth most common cancer and the fifth most deadly cancer in women. is an avenue that will take the reader to heightened awareness and vitality and the realization that there is life after these diagnosis.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Information About Ovarian Cancer

Information About Ovarian Cancer

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is actually more than one form of cancer but they are all cancers which start in that area of the female reproductive organs known as the ovaries.

Unfortunately, ovarian cancer often has no noticeable symptoms in its early stages, allowing it to grow and develop for sometime before its victim becomes aware of it. When this cancer does begin to show symptoms, the symptoms are usually such things as the person becoming very tired easily, having a bloated stomach, feeling nauseous a good part of the time and being inflicted with either diarrhea or constipation.

Although other problems can cause these same symptoms, it is important that a woman should immediately be checked out by a doctor to find out what the problem is. It may not be this cancer, but then again it may be and the sooner it is caught and dealt with, the better.

Women who have had breast cancer or who have family members who have had some form of cancer are more apt to have ova rian cancer than women who have not had breast cancer or who have no family members with a history of cancer.

It has also been noted that women who have had children, especially those that have had them young, are less apt to develop ovarian cancer than those who have not had children.

The majority of the women who develop this cancer are those in their early senior years, ages fifty-five and up.

Because of the nature of ovarian cancer not to show symptoms in its earliest stages, in the majority of cases the presence of ovarian cancer necessitates what is known as a total hysterectomy, that is the total removal of the ovaries. After this, the person is usually treated aggressively with chemotherapy, that is chemicals that kill cancer cells.

Very rarely radiation is also used after surgery for this cancer. This treatment is one that can be done very quickly if it is determined that it is needed.

Treatment for this cancer is often followed by medi cations given to help the person maintain her femininity.

Unfortunately, these medications often have their own side effects, so it is important that the person use them only as long as they are necessary and keep her doctor appraised of any changes or problems noticed.

After being treated for this cancer, the person is able to live a normal, active lifestyle. It is important to that she eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

Each year a large number of women are victims of this cancer but also, with aggressive treatment many women are also over comers of ovarian cancer.

For more information about Ovarian cancer visit our site


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Uterine Cancer Symptoms and How to Deal With Them

Uterine Cancer Symptoms and How to Deal With Them

Uterine cancer is a type of carcinoma that appears in the female reproductive organs. It is the fourth most frequently occurring cancer after breast cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Uterine cancer is considered as the most common cancer in women and fortunately it is curable, too. In Canada, about 3,900 women are diagnosed with this disease each year and the survival rate is more than 80%. The survival rate could be much greater if the carcinoma could be detected earlier. Most cases are called endometrial cancers because they grow in the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium.

Learning the symptoms is one of the ways to detect the cancer earlier. Unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to notice the symptoms as they often mimic other ailments. Most often, uterine cancer presents no symptoms. If symptoms exist, they usually appear when it has reached an advanced stage but this condi tion varies from woman to woman. Here are some uterine cancer symptoms you can learn:

1. Women who suffering from this disease may experience abnormal vaginal bleeding; it can be heavy or only light bleeding during the month.

2. When you find unusual heavy vaginal discharges, it may be a symptom of uterine cancer. The discharge may often be foul smelling or contain mucus.

3. If should notice pelvic pain which is not related to the usual menstrual cycle, it can be a symptom of this disease. The pain may range from mild to severe and can last for hours.

4. Bleeding after douching, sexual intercourse or between your periods is another symptom. Sexual activities can cause irritation of the cervix and finally cause bleeding.

How to Deal With the Symptoms

One common question that women often ask is how to deal with uterine cancer symptoms. Well, there are many ways you can cope with these symptoms. First, you can take careful note of symptoms th at you are experiencing. Make a list of the symptoms and add additional notes such as the frequency of occurrence, the time when you have them, and the degree of pain experienced. After that, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the symptoms. Give your notes to the doctor and go over the list with him. It best to be honest with your doctor and clearly answer his questions. Once you have discussed the symptoms with him, now work out coping strategies with him. Based on your symptoms, your doctor will prescribe some medications such as a painkiller for the pelvic pains or antibiotics for vaginal infections. Make sure that you follow your doctor's guidance to control the growth of the cancer.

To find out more information about Uterine Cancer Symptoms please visit You will find some useful information and tips.

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Uterus Cancer Survival Rate

Uterus Cancer Survival Rate

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Given that uterine cancer is amongst those type of cancers that are easily detected, uterus cancer survival rates are also pretty agreeable for those who are treated at the earliest stage possible.

The womb or the uterus is an important part of being a woman. Some women may even tell you that having your uterus removed is like having half of your womanly essence taken off as well. Most uterine cancers arises in the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus that's why sometimes this type is called endometrial cancer.

A 5 year uterus cancer survival rate refers to the ratio of people who are still alive 5 years after the diagnosis is confirmed to those who weren't able to survive the cancer at the same time period. Bear in mind that the patients are all treated with the cancer. Those who weren't treated may have a lower rate of survival as opposed to those who undergo treatment.

Uterine cancer may be a cause of early menopausal, therefore, most patient s with cancer of the uterus detect the symptoms during the menopausal ages - around 45-50 years old. Because certain hormonal changes are affecting the emotional aspect of women at these times, some patients may prefer not hearing their uterus cancer survival rate.

But whether you want to hear it or not, the basic fact is that the earlier the cancer is detected, the higher the chance of surviving 5 more years as well. In fact, patients who had been treated starting stage 1 are likely to live 5 years. Their uterus cancer survival rate is up to 100%.

Luckily, a lot of patients are also diagnosed at stage 1, substantially increasing the over-all percentage of survival for all patients with cancer of the uterus. Patients may normally detect symptoms like unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge, some pelvic pain, dysuria or pain during sexual intercourse.

When the disease progresses into a more severe case, the rate of survival also decreases. At the time when the cancer also begins eating surrounding tissues and lymph nodes, the lower the likelihood of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to combat the progression, although it may help in slowing down the proliferation.

Patients who are diagnosed at the last stage have lower chances of making it to 5 years or more. This could be because most women, when they are diagnosed at this stage, immediately lose hope, thus making it impossible for them to have the courage to fight off the cancer. We highly discourage this because even at 25% survival rate, this is still a lot better compared to other types of cancers whose rate are as down as 4%.

Why bother looking for other site to get more information about Uterus Cancer Survival Rate when you can get them all in one ultimate web resource? Visit Cancer Survival Rates to learn more.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

5 Ovary Cancer Symptoms

5 Ovary Cancer Symptoms

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cancer, one of the medical issues that none of us want to think about. There are so many different kinds of cancer and each one can affect everyone in slightly different way. One particular cancer, ovarian cancer, is definitely a more severe type. The Ovary Cancer Symptoms should be known by every woman in order to stay as healthy as possible.

Ovarian cancer, or the silent killer, unfortunately is not diagnosed until the later stages due to the symptoms are usually overlooked or misdiagnosed. This particular cancer usually occurs in women over 50 but can occur during the younger years. As with any type of cancer, the sooner it is discovered, the sooner the proper treatment can be started and the cancer terminated.

1 - Abdominal swelling/bloating - This is a common symptom for a variety of medical conditions therefore this symptom is easily overlooked. It has been reported of lower abdominal discomfort occurs after eating.

2 - Poor Appetite - Most women t oday have this "symptom". The woman's daily routine can be so hectic that the right foods are not eaten as it is much easier to grab a cheeseburger and fries or simply there is a loss of appetite which again can result from any number of issues occurring.

3 - Weight Loss - Another symptom that can be a symptom of other issues such as stress or simply by beginning a new exercise program in order to willingly lose unwanted weight.

4 - Constipation - If you are not eating right, therefore not getting enough fiber, you will probably suffer from constipation.

5 - Bleeding - This symptom may be a less common symptom for other medical issues so if you have any of the first four symptoms along with bleeding from the vaginal area, you should consult with your doctor or gynecologist.

As it was noted earlier, there really aren't any extremely noticeable ovary cancer symptoms that will indicate to a woman that she needs to have the issue addressed immediately. It is unfortunate that for this particular cancer, it can go unnoticed for an indefinite period of time. You have any concerns, please discuss them with your doctor.

For more useful information on ovarian cysts, check out Ovarian Cysts What Are They also, visit


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ovarian Cyst Miracle Review - Does It Really Work?

Ovarian Cyst Miracle Review - Does It Really Work?

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

I don't know if you have ever had a Ovarian Cyst before, but if you have then you know they can really hurt bad. It is not fun when you have a Ovarian Cyst it can cause bloating, pain everyday, weight gain, there are a lot of side effects from having this cyst.

Doctors can give you medication for it but for a lot of people it doesn't do the job, and it may get rid of it for a little while and come right back. There is a Ovarian Cyst Miracle, You can get rid of it for good. With 3 simple steps, you can rid of it with-in 2 months and save you a lot of money with doctors visits and money you spend on medicines. The doctors may tell you that there is not a cure but there is.

If you get the Ovarian Cyst Miracle Review you can be cured, it is a proven system, As soon as you get this, the faster you can start healing and having fun in life. Imagine no more bloating, and no more pain, and you start losing weight. And no more side effects from the medication.

The Ovarian Cyst Miracle Review is going to show you how to get rid of the Cyst for good no matter what the size of it is, you can still get rid of for good. So what do you have to lose, You can start right now, stop spending your money on medicines that is not going to do you any good. You log on the internet and find out for yourself. If you have tried everything else and it hasn't help you so far then you need to check this out, what else you do have to lose.

Pay Close Attention This

When I had my own problems with my cysts, I was desperate to find a natural cure and get rid of the terrible pain. You can free yourself from the pain and get a natural cure to help you feel better right now.

Discover how thousands of women have instantly relieved their constant pain and begin shrinking their Ovarian Cyst within 3 days, completely eliminating them within 8 weeks. This can be done without ever using drugs or resorting to risky surgery. Get help now with O varian Cyst Miracle [].



Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cervical Cancer in the News

Cervical Cancer in the News

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Recently, there was a special bike ride by celebrity cyclists saving 12 women's lives from cervical cancer. A 5-day, 500-km cycle journey was undertaken as the biggest anti-cervical cancer bike tour and sponsorships and pledges were raised to prevent the senseless deaths of a dozen women from a disease that is treatable through early detection, and avoidable altogether with a series of vaccinations. It also helped in saving families from being torn apart because the efforts save mothers, daughters, and sisters from being claimed by this deadly but preventable disease. The cancer victims were given free vaccinations and the initiative helped in spreading the word on the importance of regular gynecological checkups and living a healthy life.

Even though such initiatives are taken, there are increasing incidences of cervical cancer cases. But the medical field has planned a way out with the adoption of colposcopy procedures that have helped early detection of the condi tion in women. This procedure is used to detect the cancer of the cervix at an early stage so that it may remain treatable. Many developing countries are now adopting these procedures with increase in the cervical cancer cases. There has been an introduction of low-cost, effective diagnosis known as VIA method - Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid method. It is beneficial because of its simplicity, short learning curve, and the results are easily available. Pap smear tests are not a regular facility in developing countries and there are some inherent disadvantages like delay in getting results and the lack of trained cytopathologists to report on smears.

There has been also a new U.S. study which shows that the tests for HPV or human papilloma virus have strains being linked to cervical cancer. It means that it is unnecessary and women who test positive may be getting extra treatment which may have a risk of complications and side effects. In young women, a positive tes t gives little information, since HPV is common in women in their 20s and probably won't lead to cancer, added the researchers. One should know that there are 40 different strains of sexually transmitted HPV and most of the sexually active people get HPV at some point and only a few strains link to cervical cancer while others lead to genital warts. The outcome may be that routine HPV testing at that age could lead to biopsies and cancer treatments that are unnecessary and carry a lot of stress and worry.

One should be aware and updated about the latest developments in medical tragedies like cervical cancer.

Here author is giving you a completed information about medical news, medical products, cervical cancer, healthcare news. Cervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Understanding the Inaccuracy of Ovarian Cancer Statistics

Understanding the Inaccuracy of Ovarian Cancer Statistics

Cancer survival rate statistics and life expectancies are very misleading and quite inappropriate for several reasons. Certain types of cancer stats, like ovarian cancer for example, are even more absurd than many others.

One problem is they are a glimpse into the rear view mirror. They can not account for all the advances in modern medicine. If you think about it, all of these statistics show the mortality rates of ovarian cancer sufferers in the past. Anyone who died from the disease, did not have access to the most modern treatments of today. Cancer is a field with millions of rich world sufferers. World governments and large health corporations are pouring money into research for political and economic reasons. There is accelerated growth in knowledge.

A second concern is that ovarian cancer is not as common as some other ones. The statistics are less relevant than lung canc er due to the fact that there is less data to start with.

Each cancer is different in nature. Even if the doctor tells you are in stage 4, there is still a lot of difference amongst members in that group. Not all stage 4 people are really the same. It is just a simple way to give you a rough idea of which boat you are in.

Another issue with the stats is that they do not differentiate between people who are in different emotional states. There is some evidence that a positive outlook can add years to a patient's life. Mind/body medicine is becoming even more mainstream in the west. A negative outlook can cause a patient to almost kill themselves because this traumatic diagnoses causes the body to release large amounts of cortisol, a damaging stress hormone.

If you would like to learn out cancer life expectancy in general, check out this free website: Ovarian Cancer Statistics

ovarian cervical uterine cancer - source: via web

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Treating Cervical Cancer the Natural Way

Treating Cervical Cancer the Natural Way

Uterine Cancer - treatment for ovarian cancer

Cervical Cancer.
A cervical cancer is described as a cancer that is formed in the tissue of the cervix. A cervix is an organ that connects the uterus and the vaginal in the female reproductive system. Cervical cancer is a slow growing cancer and may not show any early symptoms, it may however be detected through a regular Pap test. This is a medical test that involves scraping of cells from the cervix to be tested by looking through with a high powered microscope.

It is known that almost all cervical cancers are caused by a HPV (human papilloma virus). The HPV is a virus that is commonly spread by sexual intercourse.

Other risk factors of cervical cancer include:
1. Having sex at early age
2. Multiple sex partners
3. Weak immune system
4. Birth control pills
5. Smoking
6. Having many children

The good news is that when cervical cancer is detected early, it is most of the time treatable. What then are the sympt oms of cervical cancer?

Symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer symptoms may include all of the following
1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
2. Bleeding that occur between menstrual periods
3. Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching or pelvic exams
4. Bleeding after going through menopause
5. Longer, heavier and more painful menstrual periods
6. Increased vaginal discharge
7. Abnormal pain during sexual intercourse
8. Pelvic pain

Stages in cervical cancer

There are five stages in cervical cancer. The stages are measure of the spread of the cancerous cells.

These stages include

1. Stage 0: this stage is normally referred to as carcinoma situ. It is an indication of a non-invasive cervical cancer.

At this stage, the cells are only found on the surface of the cervix, and because the cells have not spread, it is known to be highly treatable.

2. Stage 1: Here cancer ous cells have spread beyond the surface of the cervix and have invaded the whole cervix, but they are yet to spread beyond the cervix. At the stage, the cancer may or may not be visible to naked eyes depending on the size of the tumor.

3. Stage 2: This is the stage when the cells have spread beyond the cervix but are still confined within the pelvic area. At the stage, the cancerous cells may have spread to the two thirds of the vagina but may or may not cover the tissue around the uterus.

4. Stage 3: At this stage, the cancerous cells have spread to the lower third of the vagina, may also have spread to the pelvic wall and may have caused kidney damage. At this stage, the tumor may have become large enough to block the flow of urine from kidneys to the bladder, causing damage to the kidneys.

5. Stage 5: This is the most dangerous and final stage of cervical cancer. Here, the cancerous cells have spread to all other parts of the body. They cells may have s pread to organs around cervix such as bladder and rectum; the cells may have also spread to distant organs like lungs.

What you must know when you are diagnosed of cervical cancer

There are about seven questions you need an answer to when you are diagnosed of cervical cancer. These questions are
1. What stage is the cancer? The question explains how far the cancer has spread.
2. What treatment options are available? These options vary with the stage of the cancer, the patients and so on.
3. What treatment options are suitable for me? And what are the success rates of the recommended treatment options.
4. Is there any side effect to the recommended treatments?
5. How soon can the treatments begin?
6. Am I permitted to seek other expert's opinion?
7. What will be the cost of the treatment?

Treatments of cervical cancer
There are four common treatments for cervical cervix. These are surgery, che motherapy, radiation therapy, and alternative therapy. However, before any treatment options are considered, many factors must be put in place. These include the type and stage of the cervical cancer, health condition, age and marital status of the patient.

Surgery: this process involves a surgical removal of lymph nodes, cervix and its surrounding tissue, or removal of uterus, cervix and some part of the vagina. In some cases however, ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed.

This treatment is however suitable for women who have passed child bearing age or those that has made up their minds to stop child bearing. The side effect is that many women find it psychologically difficult to cope with sexual advances from their husband after this surgery because of hormonal and body changes.

Chemotherapy: This involves the treating of cancerous cells with drugs.
These drugs are made to kill the cancer cells but most of the time they also destroy the good cells in the body resulting to more harm than good.

Radiation therapy: This is a process whereby high energy x-rays or other types of radiations are used to reduce tumor size or to kill cancer cells. However, the side effects of this is exactly like that of the chemotherapy treatments as the rays kills bad an d cancerous cells, it also kills good cells in the body causing great havoc to the whole system in the long run.

Alternative therapy: This involves the treatment of cervical cancer through herbs and other means apart from the normal orthodox approach.
This method has been proved to be the most safe and effective method of combating this deadly disease. The reason is simple, while other methods attempts to either cut off the cells or the part of the body already infected, or use drugs in an attempt to destroy the cells; alternative therapy does something strangely different and effective.< /P>

Why is cancer a terminal disease?

Medical science has so far been able to find two approaches to the treatment of cancer. The first is to destroy the source of the disease by cutting off part or the entire affected organ, and the second approach is by increasing the body's ability to fight the disease.

The irony of the fact is that when a drug is used to kill the cancerous cells, good cells are destroyed first. When food supplements are used to nourish the body to increase the immunity, cancerous cells are also nurtured and they become stronger. Both ways, the cancerous cells wins and thereby result into the death of its victims.

What then is the way out? Recent studies have shown that cancer cell thrives in purely acidic environment. About 85% of cancer patients are acidic in their blood system. Healthy body condition should have a PH of about 7.35 to 7.45.

Cancerous cell cannot survive in a purely alkaline environment. This explains why babies don't have cancer; their PH is known to be purely alkaline. As people grows into adulthood, what they eat and the lifestyle they live gradually affects their body PH and they end up become acidic. This helps cancer cells to grow and blossoms.

A renowned American nutritionist Professor Ragnar Berg said our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food to maintain a healthy body. Acidic foods are meat, sea food, rice, sugar, cheese, canned foods. These formed the larger part of every adult daily diet even though they are supposed to be only 20% of our daily diets. Alkaline foods on the other hands are vegetables, fruits, and root crops. These supposed to make about 80% of our daily diets to have a healthy body. The food of an average adult in this contemporary world contains 100% acidic and no alkaline. This is a good breeding ground for cancer.

The alternative therapy uses a proven method to turn the acidic nature of the body to alkalinity. This h elps to weaken the cancer cells and restore sound health to the body. How does Alternative therapy achieve this?

Edmark international has introduced a product called Splina Liquid Chlorophyll.

Chief among the functions of Splina liquid chlorophyll is the conversion of the body PH from acid to alkalinity. This product when used in conjunction with Shake off phyto fiber and MRT complex will not only convert change the acidic content of the body to alkaline, it will also see to the elimination of the deadly cells from the system.

Prosper Adekunle Benjamin is a senior consultant with Edmark International. A multilevel marketing company based in Malaysia. The company which specializes in health an total well being is aimed at helping many people to lead a quality lives spirit, soul and body.
